Hi Mike,

Yes, it is a space issue. The presentation I was referring to is
http://audiosystemsgroup.com/160MPacificon.pdf where it has a table the
references a paper by K3LC that has "Optimum Use of Wire On/In Ground Over
Average Soil" and it lists 12 radials at 42' each to essentially use a 500'
spool of wire. I had more wire than that but not much more room. I could
run out a few wires in few directions to about 100' if that might help.  I
did use the antenna for a couple of evenings with only 12 radials and
yesterday I tacked on the additional 18.

That is why that decision was made.

I didn't think that SWR curve was good at all. But another guy just emailed
me and said that the BCB filter is probably messing up those readings and
they aren't accurate.  I can take SWR readings from my radio (in the shack)
with the filter not in line. Maybe that will show different values but it
will be attached to a 150' long piece of coax after the choke.

Todd - NR7RR
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