Fun conditions but I had un-avoidable 
obligations that kept me from any sincere 
contest effort, I just got on to give 
points. Didn't take part in any pileups, 
just answered CQ's with nobody else 
calling them. 

As others have mentioned, Saturday was 
much better and I was amazed how EU was 
killing it over here. There were some of 
the strongest 160 signals in, for me, 
quite a few years. I only worked 160, this 
is the band with the most reward, for me.

Kudos to the HI-Z antennas for a real help 
on some of the weaker stations. Just for 
fun I tried the sloper alone for RX and 
intelligibility plummeted. Used the sloper 
and triangular on the sub Rx, for 
diversity with the K3s and that was a 
marked improvement. The circle 8 & 
triangular for diversity was a real window 

Now to get rid of the local RFI and it'd 
be even better... Details, details.

Have fun & 73,

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