If you use DXWATCH.com <http://dxwatch.com/> for spots, hover your cursor over 
the DX call and you'll get approximate SS and SR times in Z.

GL - Steve WB6RSE

On Feb 28, 2019, at 3:21 PM, terry burge <k...@comcast.net> wrote:

Hi folks,

One of the problems with using https://dx.qsl.net/propagation/greyline is 
trying to calculate what time GMT will be the sunrise or sunset time in places 
like the A5A, FR7, XX9, etc. Does anyone know if there is an online site where 
you can plug in a countries capitol and find the sunrise/sunset time in GMT? 
Sure could help predicting when to try working them weather its on 160,80,40 or 
perhaps other bands. I think Ham Radio Deluxe will do that but my N3FJP won't.



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