Operators from VO and DL teamed up to go to Ile aux Marins, a small abandoned island just a few 100 meters from St.Pierre , FP . We are right now planning our antennas.

There is daily tourism on the island , so the antenna farm can not be big. The location is about 80m from the sea, so we hope for good take off angles.

For RX, we plan to use BOGs. How long should we make them? Do you think this may work?

For TX on 160m and 80m we plan to install inV L's with radials on the ground. What number do you suggest minimum near salt water?

40m vertical , 30m vertical: Will we be better off with VP2E's or with verticals and radial field? What do you think? Any hint welcome.

Other bands: Hexbeam.

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Ohne CW ist es nur CB..

73, Martin DM4iM
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