From T2AR via N7NG:

On Jul 2, 2019, at 5:21 AM, John Mitton < <>> wrote:

Hey gang (and Bernie too!),

Greetings from T2 where Tony (3D2AG) and I — after a fair bit of blood, sweat, and tears (yes all three) — have managed to put up an inverted L using Tony’s 18 meter tall Spiderpole for Topband. We strung out three elevated radials just above the lagoon high tide level and did some preliminary tweaking last night, which resulted in a bucketload of JA contacts on FT8 and CW. Occasional strong QRN from a public works project about a km away sometimes creates a challenge, but we seem to be OK without a receive antenna.

Other than Tony’s short-lived Topband activation here last year (strong winds ended it after one night), this is probably the first activation with real potential to log T2 since Stan was here in 2015. We realize its not an ideal time of year, but the opportunity arose to set in motion a humanitarian emcomm project for the remote islands so we make a mini-Dxpedition out of it.

We go QRT on Friday morning our time.
Hope to see you in the T2AR log.

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