On 7/25/2019 11:55 AM, Brian Campbell wrote:
You can put me in that group as well. Here are just two recent examples.

I'm with you both, never rule out your vertical!

During one ARRL 160 contest a few years ago, conditions were such that I
used my inverted-L over 90% of the time *even though I had two 580'
switchable-direction Beverages*. Signals at my central USA location were
coming in from all directions.

73, Mike

In recent ARRL 160 contests I used my TX vertical on RX for all QSO's
and came in first place, high power, in the Pacific Division.
Must not be too bad.  Worked boatloads of JA's.

I kept trying RX antennas and none of them beat the vertical
in A/B tests.  I really wanted them to.

Rick N6RK
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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