K2AV said:
"DOG conductor in contact with ground moisture near the ends could completely skewer results. That's an electrical 1/4 wave between center and either end of the DOG. Inadvertently grounding an end will be transformed around the surge impedance of the wire to a quite higher impedance at center. An inadvertent partial grounding near the ends along with variation in ground surface moisture would explain erratic observations of high R and no resonance."

Thanks for the suggestions Guy. I understand your suggestions and agree that it is possible. None of my measurements were done immediately after a rain but no doubt that ground moisture content would have changed between measurements.

Maybe I should have listed a wider impedance range for total impedance (not just R). Looking back at my data I see that I did have some measurements where the total impedance was near 200 ohms. Those were all at the frequency where the reactance went to zero (not the case for measurements where the wire showed no resonance). Some data showed an almost perfect match for 200 ohms (SWR < 1.1) at resonance while other measurements at different times showed an SWR of 20 to 1 or greater anywhere near the same frequency. An impedance of 500 ohms was a better match over a much wider frequency range for all the measurements.

All the measurements left me scratching my head because they didn't make much sense. Variations were too great to make any good conclusions. I still have that dipole so I just now inspected it. It is good quality #16 TFFN with no bare spots. Chew marks on wires on the ground are very common at my location but this dipole had none.

Maybe I will repeat these measurements but I can't do it during the summer. Grass would bury the wire within a week at the rate it is growing now. A single measurement would probably be misleading. I may also repeat the measurements of current along a BOG wire too since that data was totally unexpected. Currents along the wire dissipated much quicker with length than predicted. I find it frustrating that I can't simulate any reasonably believable performance of a BOG. Measurements have to agree reasonably with simulations and I have yet to make that happen.

Jerry, K4SAV

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