Chuck et all

It is well documented that the the NEC-2 based programs leave something to be desired� with wires on or very near the ground, This includes most of the EZENEC� family and MMANA-G� Purportedly NEC-4 ( there is a Ezenec version which runs with NEC 4 engine ... not a cheap date) does deal with the near earth problem .

How close is "Close" is a matter of conjecture. A friend of mine and I have been working on building and modeling vertical antennas ( Verticals, Inv-L and T's) for 160/80/40 with ELEVATED NON-RESONANT radials at 3' and 6' (google "K5IU Elevated Radials") . The good news is at 3' and above both NEC 2 and NEC 4 models agree within 5% or better.� We have not done any comparisons below 3'


On 8/24/2019 1:41 PM, Chuck Dietz wrote:
I seem to remember someone saying the modelling programs are unreliable
when a wire is close to the ground. Also, there is really no way to model
the properties of "ground." It can vary in just a few feet and the moisture content varies from day to day. I think this is a "try it" kind of antenna.
Read other's reported results.

Chuck W5PR


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