
As Mike VE9AA has indicated there have been several excellent Zone 2 operations in the past from the Point Amour lighthouse in Cape where the operators have had a good 160m setup. Unfortunately despite the operating teams kindly making skeds with me, we've had no success. Mike VK6HD SK also tried skeds with temporary well-equipped stations operating from Labrador on 160m without success.

After many years of both of us chasing Zone 2, Mike finally managed a QSO with a temporary VE2 (during a CQ 160 CW contest, I think?) station operating just inside the Zone 2 boundary in Quebec.

There is a nice little overlap between sunset here and sunrise in VO2 at this time of the year (now VO2 sunrise is at 1128Z, whereas VK6 Perth sunset is at 1054Z) but despite this my attempts in the past during/around the CQ WW CW have still been negative. Maybe it has just been conditions, but it is certainly seems a harder path to Z2 Labrador than Z2 Quebec.

All that being said, I'd love to try a sked again on 160m with a VO2 station prior to the CQ WW CW. Dave VE9CB (of VO2AC) and I are good mates so maybe this is possible one day.

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ

On 10/11/2019 1:00 am, topband-requ...@contesting.com wrote:

WRT to Steve's comments, I am*very*  surprised that few VK's have worked
Zone 2.

In recent memory VO2AAA/VO2AC have put on 2 pretty big 160m contest
expeditions from the Point Amour Lighthouse in Labrador with exceptional
antennas and huge signals into NA and EU.(and elsewhere)
In recent memory VO2AAA/VO2AC have put on 2 pretty big 160m contest
expeditions from the Point Amour Lighthouse in Labrador with exceptional
antennas and huge signals into NA and EU.(and elsewhere)

Mike VE9AA/VO2DX.etc.

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