Hi guys,
Just saw this page and it presented info that a BOG is a resonant antenna. It gives me a little boost
about adding inductance to the antenna to artificially lengthen it.
 Is there any agreement about this or anyone want to shoot it down?


Hi guys,
 I see certain measurements for the length of a BOG, such as 200ft for for 160 meters.
 And even a warning on one page,
"The biggest mistake is making the BOG antenna too long. Try not to go */
/*over 200 feet for 160 meters."

*/So, if I tried to use this 200ft BOG on 80 Meters, I assume it has receive problems.
A short explanation of those problems would be helpful, Impedance? Pattern?
  I've been pondering over W8JI's Loaded beverage page.
I'd like to apply the loading to a BOG to slow the VF and make it seems longer.  ie. make a 80 meter BOG length work on 160 Meters. But then make the reactance go away for 80 Meters
 My actual goal is to have a BOG that covers 500kHz to 4MHz.
To that end, I have been working on a variable inductor that I can insert into the length of the BOG. In reality, it would be eight Variable inductors spaced about 35 to 40ft apart. I'm land limited to about 270ft.
 I want to control the inductors with a DC current through the BOG wire.
 I have a 100uh toroid inductor that I can partially saturate with an electromagnet.  The electromagnet is energized by an adjustable current through the BOG wire. This means I need to RF bypass the Electromagnet, so it's inductance is not seen by the RF. Also I must block the RF
from seeing the Power supply/current source.
 I have a drawing showing my proposed circuit here.
 I want to be told what problems you see and ways to overcome them. _If it is at all feasible_,
I would wonder about the values of the blocking caps and Chokes.
 I appreciate any thought you can give this idea.
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