I don’t go in for contests but I did spend some time on top band this morning. 
From about 0600 to 0830 UTC. I was hearing a lot of E Coast at very good 
strengths plus several in the Caribbean. Unfortunately because of the universal 
use of 599 reports to everybody in contests (a practice that I really deplore) 
I have no idea how I was getting out other than that I was being heard.
Last time I was really active this never happened but that is progress and 
computerised logging I guess.


> On 24 Nov 2019, at 18:46, David Olean <k1...@metrocast.net> wrote:
> Hi Top Banders
> I was dabbling in the CQ WW contest last night (Nov 24 UT) and noted a few 
> things that seemed quite different to me here in NE USA. The normal situation 
> at my sunset occurred. I could hear many many EU stations but almost none of 
> them could hear me. I am used to that. I quit and had dinner and spent some 
> quality time with the XYL for the evening. At about 0300 UT I was QRV again.  
> A storm was blowing through New England and There was a fair amount of 
> lightning static, but I was able to call many stations who were very good 
> copy, but almost always got the impression that I was barely audible with 
> them. I am running 1300-1400 watts output. Most stations took three or four 
> calls to get my call correct. A few gave up and had my call wrong but went on 
> to other callers. Other loud stations CQed in my face. This was very 
> different from many of my past experiences. I actually went and checked the 
> electrical passband of my TX antenna to make sure it was performing normally. 
> (It was) I also kept looking at the wattmeter to make sure that I was 
> transmitting into the antenna!
> I did note that there was deep and rapid QSB over a 30 second period. I am 
> wondering what the hearing conditions were in Europe Saturday night on 1.8 
> MHz. I suspect that noise was a big problem.
> Around 1000 UT until my sunrise arpund 1200, I did a fair amount of listening 
> but heard very little in the way of Pacific DX.  I was operating un assisted 
> so do not know who was QRV, but tuning across the band produced only two HI 
> stations heard from the Pacific. No KL7, no islands, and no VK/ZL. A few CQs 
> produced no QSOs for points.  Very disappointing morning.
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
> _________________
> Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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