My friend Larry, is being a bit too effusive, but I'll take it.

I have no animosity toward guys who use FT8, this is a personal hobby and everyone has their own set of rules.  Personally, it isn't my cup of tea and I do not apply for DXCC credits for FT8 QSOs.  I do QSL via LoTW for the other guys.

A couple of clubs I'm in have almost unspoken internal competition for the most slots worked on some of the bigger DXpeditions and to remain competitive I'm forced into using FT8.  Frankly, I don't do this on every expedition. Nevertheless, that's why the program is on the computer.

To keep this on-topic, I worked H40TT on 20 SSB today and told him that we'd like some CW on topband. He said that was the other op, but thought he would be trying tonight (our morning).

Wes   N7WS

On 11/25/2019 3:18 PM, Larry wrote:
I think that you guys are missing the point. Knowing Wes I am sure that post was pure sarcasm. He is a CW op surpreme.

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On Monday, November 25, 2019, Alan Swinger <> wrote:

    So, your computer worked him while you were out of the room and not at the
    rig!? If only there was an award for computers vice operators. - Alan K9MBQ

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