DX conditions and CW activity from VE6 has been excellent so far this season on 
I did a log .csv export and a few pivot table runs on the VE6WZ log from 
September till December 18.

This season stats for the 4 months so far,

AF / EU- 982 QSOs, 360 unique calls, 44 DXCC

AS- 294 QSO’s, 194 unique calls, 7 DXCC (228 JA QSOs)

OC- 132 QSO’s, 30 unique calls, 15 DXCC (42 VK QSO’s)

NA / SA- 48 QSO’s (non-USA), 29 DXCC

Total 1,456 DX QSO’s, 604 unique callsigns, and 95 DXCC

The band is alive and well with a lot of great CW DX activity.  Most evenings I 
will log 20-30 EU, and this year there have been many “never worked before on 
160” callsigns.
Sure, out of 1,456 DX QSOs only 604 are unique callsigns, but even that is a 
lot of activity on the band.  I still like to get calls from my DX friends even 
if we have worked multiple times on the band!

It seems that 160m is NOT going in the same direction as 6 m did for CW 

Get on the band, call CQ and work some DX…..even if it's not a “new one”.

73, es lets hope the great conditions persist!

de steve ve6wz
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