Greetings Topband enthusiasts!

Just a follow up reminder.

Only 1 shopping week left until the big event.
As a reminder,  there have been some changes to the rules.

We have had a few people step up to sponsor trophies, much appreciated.
There are a few left that need sponsorship.
If you are interested, please send me a note.

Please visit the website at for details.

73, Andy N2NT
Director CQ160 Contest

On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 10:16 AM Andy Blank <> wrote:

> Happy holidays everyone.
> Please check out the rules page for the upcoming CQ160 Contest in 2020.
> There have been some changes, mostly for the better I hope.
> These include:
> Low Power is now limited to 100W only.
> Assistance is allowed in QRP category.
> Single Op Low Power now has both Assisted and Unassisted categories..
> Some language has been changed to make things clearer, and to be uniform
> with other CQ Contest rules.
> Please also check out the PLAQUES that have been sponsored.
> There are some plaques that are not yet funded, and we are looking for
> more sponsors. Any additional categories can be offered as well if you have
> an idea.
> Send me an email and I will forward to K1DG our plaque manager, who can
> arrange it for you.
> Rules here:
> Plaques here:
> 73, Andy N2NT
> Director CQ160 Contest
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