(but airplane stuff is $$$$$)

If it is really dacron then

And available at several ham radio suppliers.

Maybe you want nylon based, this ebay seller has high quality "para-cord" also called "550 line" I suspect originally mil-spec as parachute riser lines, pretty important. I have bought from others but the sheath was loose on the core. This may not affect the strength, don't know, but it sure makes for messy cutting, heat sealing and poor handling.

Also, red based colors while highly visible fade very quickly in sun. The herringbone patterns even in blues and greens are still highly visible, if that is desired.

Grant KZ1W

On 2/18/2020 01:25, Roy Morgan wrote:
There is a company that sells aircraft parts and supplies. The name is something like 
"American Spruce" or some such. Memory is unreliable on this.

They sell spark-plug shaped silica gel de humidifier devices used in preserving 
piston engines and also used in early Collins PTO's.

Some creative searching will turn up the company name.

Roy Morgan
K1LKY Western Mass

On Feb 18, 2020, at 3:01 AM, Gary Smith <> wrote:

Coupla things. I need new Dacron, some I
have is from the 80's & finally at its
end. I bought some replacement but it's
not what I had. What I had was greenish
and solid braid, tough and incredibly
resistant to nature.

What my new "Dacron" is, is a white center
conductor I assume is Dacron, with a black
braided sleeve/outer-layer which slides
over the center conductor. It's OK but
difficult to work with and certainly not
what I am going to keep using. I contacted
one source who said he sells pure Dacron
rope but never buying from him before,
asked for a photo of an end piece so I
could see if it's what I'm looking for. He
never sent it to me so I'm still looking.

For the moment I need 500', soon, double
that. If there's a known source for the
good stuff in the states, please let me
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