Hello Frantisek and others,

I wonder how much the magnetic pole has shifted. 

I have been reviewing the operation of the Brunton Pocket Transit here. It has 
an adjustment for declination - the angular difference between the magnetic 
North Pole and the true rotational axis North Pole. 

Here in Western Massachusetts it has been about 15 degrees East for a very long 
time. I wonder if that is changing. 

Roy Morgan
K1LKY Western Mass

> On Feb 21, 2020, at 4:59 AM, Frantisek Mikulenka 
> <frantisek.mikule...@onsemi.com> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> did you take in mind  increasing magnetic  pole (and accompanied  aurora 
> oval) eastern shift  from Canada towards Siberia ?
> 73
> Frantisek OK2BUZ
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