I was hearing them 339 to 559 this evening around 0730 UTC. I may have actually worked them. I could tell they came back right away when I called them, but the QSB buried their reply. After a couple of tries, I heard their reply at ESP level. Then immediately after I stopped transmitting my reply, the LID that's been QRMing them threw a carrier on top their QRG (c'est la vie). I recorded the QSO, but the audio connection between my K3 and the computer I use for remoting the station is fouled up, so the recording will probably be no better than fuzzy audio I am getting down here in Los Angeles. I need to drive out there sometime soon and fix it. It was working pretty good until I pulled the computer out to do an "upgrade".

73, Mike W4EF/6.....

On 2/24/2020 12:16 PM, Wes wrote:
I listened at my sunset (and theirs) but heard nil even though Bob, W7RH, with his big antenna had spotted them. I listened periodically over the next couple of hours and finally decided it wasn't going to happen.  After a night of TV watching I went to bed about 0600Z without bothering to listen again.  Imagine my chagrin to see the spots from last night when I looked this morning.  I hope they're on again tonight.  I'll be ready.

Wes  N7WS

On 2/24/2020 10:30 AM, David Olean wrote:
Hi Gary,

I was out of the house early in the evening on Sunday, but started listening a little before 10 PM local time.  VP8 was very weak and mostly in the noise. They would peak up and be readable for short periods of 15 seconds or so. Over the next half hour the signal started building here. and by 10:30 they were good copy most of the time for me. I am 30 miles inland, so no salt water effect. W7RH said they had good ears and to call them even if they were weak. I took his advice and they came back right away as soon as I called! I was so surprised I sent my call again to make sure I was not imagining things! It really took me by surprise.  They peaked up 5 hours after sunset here. By 0500 UT they were getting sorta loud at times!

I am not sure, but I think many areas had no propagation as there were few callers most of the time. I listened up until about 0600 UT (1 AM here) It was getting close to EU sunrise but very few European callers, and they would call sporadically. There were not so many NA callers either, although VP8PJ was making a steady run of contacts.  Back at 0300 UT I did hear a good pile of EU callers calling VP8 when he was impossible copy here.  Later on, there were fewer EU callers.  If it is a new country, I doubt people would quit for a nap! I heard a few comment that VP8 was impossible copy later on.

Then again, maybe everyone was exhausted from the CQ 160 SSB weekend.  It was fun to listen as the night progressed, and I was amazed at how well VP8PJ was hearing; better than the callers almost all the time!


Dave K1WHS

On 2/24/2020 6:04 AM, Gary Smith wrote:
VP8PJ, in South Orkney is a 559 here
tonight. A new one on 160 & my only other
S. Orkney Q was on 15M in 1990.

Amazingly it took two calls and he came
back so N/S propagation is excellent right


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