On 2/27/2020 3:49 AM, uy0zg wrote:

California in Ukraine on a real RX is very hard to hear.

I have confirmation in LotW magazine of several callsigns from California.

But I am completely sure that it was California, in only two cases - N6JV 2009 year, KG6I - 2010

In 2009, Norm, N6JV, was operating from Sacramento county, the
same as me, except he was operating from a city lot in
those days, doing amazing things considering the
limitations.  (He has since moved to acreage near me).
In 2009, the propagation spotlight favored our area
a number of times.  That was around the time I worked
Russia on SSB, etc.  That over the pole propagation returned
this winter for the first time since 2009.  It seems to be
a different mechanism than Western EU.

Norm is certainly one of the top DX'ers in our local club
(Motherlode DX/Contest Club).  We have another member
currently operating on the South Orkney DXpedition.
I have heard that one on 160 (CW!) for only 2 minutes so far,
unfortunately not long enough to warm up the amplifier.
Only a few locals here have worked it, and then just barely.
The low sunspots don't seem to have helped on 160, but they have
ensured that we can't work S. Orkney on 15 meters and up.
I needed VP8-O on 40 and 80, and those were fairly easy

Rick N6RK
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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