On 3/4/2020 1:39 AM, Lee STRAHAN wrote:
   Hello Henk and others,
I can surely see your point about how interesting that would be to share all the circuit details. However you would have to understand that what you propose is exactly what I did many years ago. I published on the web my entire design and processes I used to make the original 8 element all active array. It indeed was a very interesting topic for discussion. It brought many requests for more information. Then came the requests can

I would like to amplify what Lee said.  About 10 years ago I
published an article in the National Contest Journal on
a receiving loop design (that's me on the cover :-).  I
offered to sell unloaded PC boards at a nominal cost,
and also ferrite cores as a convenience.  I had to
field innumerable questions about every aspect of this
design, including the classic "can I use a core I have
in my junk box?".  Anyway, go easy on Lee.

In another posting today, I have cited some references on
amplifier designs for whip antennas.  Read these and
roll your own.  Let us know how they work for you.

Rick N6RK
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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