160m has been open to EU from left coast the last two evenings. last night QRN levels from major thunderstorms off east coast diminished and I had a brief pipe line to EU Russia.

Propagation from Arizona has been reasonable at sunset and into early evening before EU sunrise. After that the great wall goes up with aurora.

In the log: SM5EDX, SM3EVR, PJ4/K5KG, RA3FL, SM4DHF, LA1MFA, OH3XR, LY30LY, JA6FFK, HL5IVL, RK4FD, RC3FL, G3PQA, JI1AVY and JA7SPJ. VK6GX and VK6LW have both been loud near sunrise. There were half dozen or so brave CW types on band last night during ARRL DX SSB contest....

By the way if you hear KN4RRQ on the band give him a call! Check out his QRZ page. QRP power using 1929 vintage breadboard TX and SoftRock RX.

I agree with Steve VE6WZ there are many new calls on the band as folks migrate away from dead HF bands. You new guys are always welcome in my log.

73 Bob, W7RH

W7RH DM35qj

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our 
humanity." - Albert Einstein

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