>>>*IF*, before LoTW came on-line, a "Slim" sent a ham a confirmation card, and it was found to be bogus, would that disqualify the ham from any future admission to the DXCC or greater club ?

This would give new meaning to the 'oldie' WFWL. I never heard of a "Slim" confirming a contact.

I can imagine the 'joy' of fooling the deserving into thinking they contacted the DX, but I cannot imagine the trouble the "Slim" would go through to fake a QSL card. It's easier now, but we are talking prior to LoTW.

Not only that, but to keep checking the DXCC listings to see if the deserving was disqualified?! We're truly talking about psychiatric ward material here.

73 de Vince, VA3VF
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