From the left Coast point of view there has not been much happening. VK6LW, VK3HJ and VK6GZ show up in the log again and again in the morning sunrise period. Not bad for a 9649.9 mi (15530.0 km) path. Sprinkle with JA1LZR , HL5IVL and maybe DU6/N6SS when he gets on CW that is it. There has been a few SE Asia stations on but not on a regular basis. Literally a couple billion people with nothing to show. Our EU path is virtually gone unless you live much further south or at the northern extreme. Just not making it past the Midwest.

The Spring and Fall equinox periods always provide some good trans-equatorial propagation. Missing zones 22 operators which could be quite possible if someone would just be there.

Many Ham Radio stations today have upwards of $20-30K invested with radios, towers and antennas. It would seem to me that there just no desire anymore. We can not reinvent the wheel but there is certainly room for improvement.

Will the last standing please turn of the lights...SK

Bob, W7RH

W7RH DM35qj

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