Hello Andy

Yes, CW still alive on topband.. Over the weekend was QRV for abt 90 min and 
worked 2 G stns, 6Y5FS, IT9 and 9H1XT. Lots of QSB but good peaks and 
moderately low QRN. 

It has been modest QRN all Spring in Midwest US.

Andy, you and Roger and others are doing a great service to CW on topband. Keep 
up the good work.

One final note. One of my goals on topband each season is to connect with 
enough countries on CW to achieve DXCC. This was a modest year with 130 or so 
in my log.

And CQing helps.

73 George W8UVZ     On Monday, May 11, 2020, 11:55:39 PM EDT, Andree DL8LAS via 
Topband <topband@contesting.com> wrote:  
there was a little DX activity this morningon topband from NA,worked VO2NS and 
W2VO with good signals.I will look tomorrow morning again from 02:30 UTC
73 Andy DL8LAS


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