Hi Bob et al
I was on at 0200 Z this morning calling CQ but nil. Will try agn tmw
73 and stay safe!


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Topband <topband-bounces+lennart.michaelsson=telia....@contesting.com> 
För W7RH
Skickat: den 22 juli 2020 18:05
Till: Topband <topband@contesting.com>
Ämne: Topband: 160m activity West Coast View

Hi guys,

160m is not dead. In late evening hours these stations have been active: 
LU5YF, LU5FC, V31MA and ZP9ME. In the early morning hours the following are 
quite active: JA5DQH until 11:00 UTC. ZL1AZ, VK6LW, VK3HJ, 8C52I, VK3CCC and 

These are great stations to check out antennas with  RBN RX of VK4CT, ZL4YC and 

de Bob W7RH

W7RH DM35qj

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our 
humanity." - Albert Einstein

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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