There is no monthly, yearly, or ANY fee for running a Flex radio.  There is an 
UPGRADE charge when going from one major revision to the next (for instance, 
from version 2.x to 3.x) which is OPTIONAL.  You don’t need to perform the 
upgrade unless the added features appeal to you.

73, Tony Scandurra
ARS K4QE - FM05fv

> On Aug 16, 2020, at 7:52 AM, Rob Atkinson <> wrote:
> Seems to me that for the money hams pay Flex in that annual service
> fee, (or is it monthly?) you ought to get professional Windows
> maintenance.  There are ex-MS techs out there who can be hired.
> I've had a Mac at home for the past 15 years at least.  Since 2008
> it's been a mac mini.  So far, Apple has set it up so that I can
> choose between automatic and manual updates.  I always have mine on
> manual.  I get a notification when updates are available and then I
> pick a time when I'll install them.  Macs have their share of nuisance
> problems and I am not heavily invested in computerized ham radio.  If
> I had to depend on a computer for ham radio I'd probably find another
> hobby.
> Microsoft forces these updates because if they didn't millions of
> users would blow them off, and updates are vitally important for the
> security of your machine against outside threats.   A lot of the
> updates have to do with patching vulnerabilities, many of which are
> immediately getting exploited in the wild.   So many windows PCs have
> been hacked over the years the Company got serious about it beginning
> around 10 years ago and this is part of the result.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ
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