
I have taken the liberty of changing to subject line to more accurately reflect the content of your reply on the Waller Flag thread

After much reading and a lot of personal experience and experimentation I am of the opinion that BOG front-to-back is a function not only the length but the soil type as well.

I experimented with 350',  300', 250', and 200'  long bogs all in the same direction, In my case the shorter 200' long BOG, over very dry , well drained, sandy soil clearly had better F/B than the 250' , 300', 350'   ( F/B on the 350' was the worst of all of them..anyone want some 50' pieces of RG6?) . When I run out of other things to do I plan on trying a 175' and 150' but not in the next year.

A friend of mine living in another part of the country compared his 200' BOG on laid  top of rich Midwest farm loam to mine and  was very surprised that my front to back was so much better than his. What the optimal length is for his particular soil is still TBD. Another friend with sandy soil but in a very near salt water environment ( he lives along a  canal with ocean access, i.e salt water)  also reported poor front to back , for sure we surmise his soil is much more conductive than mine) .

The moral I guess is I would start shortening your BOG and see if the front to back improves


PS: I too use RG6 for all my BOGS and the feedlines and a dozen or more turns on a #31 torroid at each end of a 125' feed lines significantly reduces broadcast band induced signals

On 9/12/2020 8:26 AM, Mikek wrote:

 My Technical knowledge is limited but, I have built directional AMBCB antennas. Feed line isolation is critical to make a directional antenna, directional! I have been criticized and been told, coax cable does not pick up signal. Must be I don't use the right coax.

This from a previous post I made after I ran out and tested a 230ft Coax and a 230ft 18ga twisted speaker wire, to see what BCB stations they received.

  "I found I received 13 stations with up to 5.5 S units on the properly terminated coax. I tried many things to reduce signal pickup, chokes, transformers, grounds, several chokes and transformers, but could never get it to be quiet. So after reading some info about phased antennas using speaker wire, I ran a twisted speaker wire out to where my antenna was to start. After terminating that, I found I only received 4 stations, 3 were audible but at zero on my S meter and one that was almost 1 S unit. Do I think the speaker wire has more loss than the coax probably, but, I seem to have plenty of signal and it doesn't have much
signal ingress compared to the coax."

  I have since went to Cat5 cable for my receive antenna. I started in my haste just connecting Cat5 to my radio, terrible idea, but I learned from it.

 I tried several things to quiet the Cat5 and came up with something that works very well for quieting the Cat5 in_MY_ situation.

I have the 235ft of Cat5 connected to a 260ft (property limited) BOG that I use mostly for the AMBCB. The BOG points N/S, it seems to have

attenuated side lobes but not much front to back.

 After reading a Laird Cat5 common mode article, I used their info to help me build my signal ingress reduction box. If you're interested in seeing what

worked for me, click here.

KF4ITA Mike Knowlton

Dave manu...@artekmanuals.com www.ArtekManuals.com

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