I worked OZ7YY and F5In, both with 569 reports both way.  So, there was 

73, Bob K3UL

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband <topband-bounces+rgarrett5=comcast....@contesting.com> On Behalf 
Of Roger Kennedy
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 10:54 AM
To: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Topband: Wednesday CW Activity Night

There were several of us Europeans on calling CQ DX last night . . . but I 
didn't hear anyone get any replies!

RBN reports from North America were quite good . . . so is it that Propagation 
was just one way (as sometimes happens on 160) . . .
or were there just no NA stations on the band?

Well anyway . . . I'm suggesting re-starting the Wednesday CW Activity Night . 
. . so that if anyone is going to come on 160 to work
DX just one night during the week, maybe we can all come on the same night?

(by the way, Sunrise here in England is currently around 05.30 Z)

Hope to work some of you tonight!

73 Roger G3YRO

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