Wow! All this juicy DX makes me want to steal the exciter out of my remote VHF shack and bring it back to the house so I can get in on some 160 meter fun!  I have rigs set up on 6, 2, and 222 MHz. The 160 rig ended up on 2 meters for the summer.  I miss the DX on 160!

I have been out in the woods looking over my receiving wires and fixing things as I see them. I have two wires down at the moment, both victims to dead falling trees.  I use thick aluminum fence wire. If it breaks, I make splices with aluminum rod drilled with #8-32 s.s. hex screws to hold the aluminum wire.


Dave K1WHS

On 10/4/2020 8:34 AM, Joe Galicic wrote:
I worked VK6LW with 100 watts at 11:33 Z this morning.  He was peaking nicely 
here at SC sunrise.  WOW, that was fun !

I'm in the process of putting up antennas for 160 at my South Carolina QTH.  
Inverted L with apex at 50 feet with 14 longish (75-100 feet) radials so far.  
No RX antennas yet.  No amplifier at this QTH yet either.

I heard other VK's over the past couple of mornings as well as JH1HDT this 
morning, I was surprised how strong HL5IVL was yesterday morning. I called 
several times but he did not hear me.  VK2WF got a partial call sign for me but 
we didn't make the QSO. He was very strong at my sunrise each morning I heard 

Getting ready for the upcoming 160 contest season.

Fun stuff !!


On 10/04/2020 8:10 AM wrote:

worked Kevin on first call, simplex. He was in there pretty well from
1111-1145z, although qsb at times took him into the noise, here in
central Ohio.

Our Twilight-SR times today were 7:03 local- 7:30 local. or

A second VK6 was spotted but I never heard him.

But those SR tables really work! His strongest sigs peaked right at SR
and were about the same for 19 mins before and 15 mins after SR.

Heard a very faint JA but not well enough to call. Think it was HDT

Sent: Saturday October 3 2020 12:06:06PM
Subject: Topband Digest, Vol 214, Issue 2

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