Well first of all, it has never been my intention to upset or annoy anyone
with my posts on here . . . all I have ever tried to do is encourage more
people to come on Top Band on CW . . . to tell people that there ARE
stations on to work, and that DX conditions are often good, even if there is
little activity.

And there were certainly lots of stations on last night, and it was great to
great to work so many old and new friends across the pond !

Although the weekend has traditionally been the time when stations come on
160m looking for DX, I realise that these days a lot of people are busy with
their families at the weekend. That's why I started suggesting a regular
mid-week night to come on the band, to focus activity, so that at least
there are lots of stations to work, all on the same night.

Thank you to all the guys who have sent me private e-mails, agreeing with
this idea, and thanking me for trying to encourage more DX CW activity on
Top Band. There are clearly lots of others who, like me, still get a buzz
out of EVERY CW DX QSO on 160m, no matter how many times you may have worked
the same station before !

So at the risk of annoying one or two people, I will continue trying to
promote the Wednesday Activity Night.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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