
I am curious, why Wednesday night ( when many have to get up and go to work the next morning?) instead of Friday or Saturday?

Was on.. on and off� the only station on CW early in the evening was OX/OZ1AHJ.. and then a "G????"� a bit later but was who ever it was in and out of the QSB couldn't pull it out. It is still early here in the season. We are about as far south as you can get in the USA (FL) so we don't get the propagation like the fellows up in New England do.

JA's were in strong this morning at sunrise

We are an equal opportunity operator and there were a couple of Russians on FT8 not much else heard here on that mode either


On 10/15/2020 7:05 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
Great to work so many NA stations last night . . . and good to hear so many
other EU stations on the band.

Conditions were pretty good too . . . always nice to receive some S9 reports

Look forward to working many of you on Saturday in The Stew Perry Contest.

73 Roger G3YRO

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