The preamp in my K3 and Flex 6600M was plenty for my K9AY loop. More importantly chokes should be used on the coax near the antenna and probably before it enters your house. I used 6 or 7 turns of feed line coax around a stack of 5 large FT-240 mix 31 cores. Also, I keep the control line separated from the feed line by a few feet. Make sure both are flat on the ground for the entire run if possible. These steps will enhance the performance.
> On 11/05/2020 11:25 AM Bill Shell - N6WS <> wrote: > > > Tom, > > I use the DX Engineering DXE-RG5000HD receiver guard and DX Engineering > DXE-RPA-2 receive preamplifier ahead of my FTDX101MP. They are both > located in my shack. I changed from the internal K9AY preamp for better > use on 60m. I can tell a difference if I turn the preamp off. I don't > know how well it would be to locate the preamp at the antenna. > > 73, Bill > N6WS > > On 11/5/2020 2:09 AM, Wojciech Tomczyk via Topband wrote: > > Hello OMs, > > I plan to build a K9AY antenna.My question is about location of its > > preamplifier.I consider locating it inside the control box at the base of > > the antenna.Does it have any advantage/disadvantage? I am concerned about > > signal strength loss in coax between antenna and radio if amplifier is > > located at the receiver side.I do appreciate any comments- > > Tom, SP7WT > > _________________ > > Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector > _________________ > Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector _________________ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector