Would be interested in hearing (no pun intended) what type of antenna you, or 
anyone heraing the 7q7, are using

-----Original Message-----
From: Salvatore ["Ted"] K2QMF <k2q...@gmail.com>
To: Guy Olinger K2AV <k2av....@gmail.com>; thoy...@verizon.net
Cc: Greg Chartrand via Topband <topband@contesting.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 19, 2020 12:20 pm
Subject: Re: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

 The 7Q7 was 100% copy here on Long Island!!Tried for over an hour to work 
him!!  No Luck...Ted  K2QMF

 On 11/19/2020 12:15:01 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV <k2av....@gmail.com> wrote:I heard 
the 7Q7 call sign here in NC exactly once, of course at the tippy
top of a long QSB cycle, which then immediately dove into the noise not to
be heard again in the 30 minutes
before I had to go downstairs.

8’s and 9’s appeared to be hearing him. Go figure.

73, Guy K2AV

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 10:44 AM Thomas Hoyer via Topband <
topband@contesting.com> wrote:

> Observation from my little gun station in eastern PA is that propagation
> seems to have moved more to the west of me, western PA, Ohio and further.
> Whereas for the last two weeks or so I was hearing EU fairly well given my
> S5 noise level which is quite for me.
> Worked the KP2 and YL stations last night but as Roger alludes to some
> deep QSB made it a couple try QSO.
> That 7Q7 was drawing a lot of activity bit I could not hear him at all.
> Seemed like stations to the west of me were hearing better.
> TomW3TA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Kennedy 
> To: topband@contesting.com
> Sent: Thu, Nov 19, 2020 9:40 am
> Subject: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night
> Once again, lots of stations on the band last night from both sides of the
> pond . . . good have such a nice turnout.
> However, quite deep QSB on most signals, and propagation didn't seem as
> good
> as the night before (when I worked several stations right across to the
> West
> Coast).
> Thanks once again to all that made the effort to come on 160 to have a few
> QSOs . . . let's hope we can keep the DX CW activity going again next
> Wednesday.
> 73 Roger G3YRO
> _________________
> Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband
> Reflector
> _________________
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> Reflector
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