Correction, it stopped at 7:54 EST.

Don (wd8dsb)

On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 8:00 AM Don Kirk <> wrote:

> Hi Topband Gang,
> Thanks to everyone that reported reception of the signal.  It stopped at
> 7:54am EDT.  Based on preliminary data which probably did not have enough
> resolution it looked like it was originating from Ohio or Pennsylvania.
> Hopefully it does not reappear.
> 73,
> Don (wd8dsb)
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:31 AM Don Kirk <> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> Thanks and glad others are hearing it too.  I just looked at it on an SDR
>> receiver and it has a bandwidth of 400 Hz, and it's using two different
>> frequencies spaced 200 Hz apart.  Very Strong here near Indianapolis.
>> Peaking 25 dB over my noise floor.
>> Just FYI,
>> Don (wd8dsb)
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:15 AM David Raymond <>
>> wrote:
>>> Signal bearing from central Iowa/EN21 is about 70 degrees based on some
>>> interpolation from the 8 circle array.
>>> On 12/11/2020 6:06 AM, Don Kirk wrote:
>>> > I’m hearing a very strong pulsating signal that sounds like it might be
>>> > some kind of digital communications and it’s bearing is approximately
>>> 73
>>> > degrees from my QTH near Indianapolis and wonder if others are hearing
>>> it
>>> > at at what heading and does anyone recognize what it is? It’s on right
>>> now
>>> > at 7:06 AM
>>> >
>>> > Don wd8dsb
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