Well I agree with that too Dave . . .

To me, it's a kind of "Urban Myth" that 160m DX is all Low Angle

Sure, on 80m it nearly ALWAYS is . . . You MUST have a Vertical to work DX
well on 80, a Dipole is rubbish (even though my 80m dipole is effectively
twice as high as my Top Band one)

I actually think that many "experts" PRESUMED that because that is the case
on 80m (and on 40m), it MUST be so on 160m too.

But I know that simply isn't the case, from 50 years of my own experience
DX-ing on 160m. 

And not just at Grey Line either . . . for example, I find my best reports
from NA these days are currently between 0100 and 0300Z . . . that is way
after your Sunset, and long before our Sunrise.

So in practice, I have come to the conclusion that it must be a combination
of the two . . . 160m DX isn't very low angle (must be ducting or multi-hop)
. . . and a low dipole on 160m isn't just high angle.

Roger G3YRO

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