Plenty of more experienced operators have already gave their insight.
But... here's my 2 cents..

When I started back in the 80s.
I first tried Dipole on 160 worked a few local stations out to 200-300 miles. I then tried to load short tower I really didn't know what I was doing so that failed.

I then tried a low full wave loop it received well but wasn't any better then the low Dipole.

I really didn't see a big improvement until I went to a inverted L over a good number of radials.
And the addition of receive antennas.
K9AY loop and Beverages even short Beverages work.

And a side note just before the weather here in Ky turned bad.
I tried a DHDL and could not get it to work.
I probably had it to close to my north Beverage.
I try again when it warms up.

I think you just have to have fun a build a few different antennas and see what works. If I would have had an Elmer back then I might not have tried the Loop or Dipole...Maybe..

 Fred KB4QZH

On 12/18/2020 10:09 AM, wrote:
all antennas work, some better than others, a choice of one maybe not ideal.
Without an A/B comparison impossible to judge and I would add if any
vertical system is less than a quarter wave high it puts additional pressure
on the ground system to be even better. As per Lewis, Brown Epstein.  73
Clive GM3POI

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband <> On Behalf Of
Mike Tessmer K9NW
Sent: 18 December 2020 14:40
Subject: Re: Topband: Low Dipoles

Sometimes stuff just works.

73, Mike K9NW
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