I agree with Luke. Condx around Australasia were worse than mediocre. I didn't hear any VK6s and only a couple of JAs in the first session. JA4UYB was quite good on peaks of deep QSB, but he never heard me. Only LY7Z from Eu and he kept CQing right through me.

In the second session stations from NA were few and far between, and I only put a handful into the log. I must say that just about everyone I called in NA did hear me. Long path to the UK was also mediocre with only GW5R and G3OLB being heard. The GW never copied my call but I did manage a Q with Tom.

73 + HNY,
Greg, ZL3IX

On 2020-12-28 00:19, List Mail wrote:
I had hoped to give a few DX QSO in this SP, but conditions are just horrible. The storm static has been epic all weekend, and signals are pretty ordinary. I did try calling a few stations in NA around our sunset, but had no response. Since sunset, the storm static has increased, and all signals are very difficult copy here.

Maybe next time.

73 es HNY, de Luke VK3HJ
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