It was pretty remarkable here in S AZ.

I worked UR0MC, LA1MFA and SM0GNU (new for me) and heard some others.  Always on my inverted-L.
UR0MC was readable for over an hour. QSB was huge

Wes  N7WS

On 1/4/2021 8:04 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
Last night I was surprised to be able to work
SM0GNU, UR0MC, HA8JI, and almost worked IZ4ZZB
from my central CA QTH.  Especially UR0MC in
zone 16 who gave me a 599 report.  I don't
think I have worked that zone since the ARRL
160 contest during the last SS minimum.
All signals had slow deep QSB.  I had to
listen on the TX vertical as I don't presently
have anything beaming EU, although I'm working
on it.

Rick N6RK
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