The best propagation to Europe seems to be from about 5 – 15 minutes past my 
sunrise in the summer time.

To NA, I usually see a peak at or after their sunrise. I’ve not been following 
that much past their East Coast, as it gets very late here in the summer, along 
with varying levels of summer storm static in our evenings.

73, Luke VK3HJ

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jim Brown
Sent: Friday, 5 March 2021 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

On 3/4/2021 1:53 PM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
> Mainly because there's usually more stations to work . . . but also because
> there rarely seems to be a Sunrise Peak these days

Virtually all of the good DX I've worked on 160, 80, and 40 has been in 
the daylight side of the terminator at one end or the other of the QSO. 
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