On 2021-03-09 3:30 PM, Wes wrote:
> He said, "or machine."

And there he just blew up his own argument.  The "machine" (computer)
actually copies the callsign(s) in an FT4/FT8/JT9/JT65/FST4 QSO just
as it does with RTTY (MMTTY or 2Tone) or PSK##, Olivia, MFSK### (fldigi,
DM780, etc.) or a specialized modem copies the callsigns in

While the operator may be able to narrow the IF filters and actually
"hear" the individual signal, I doubt that there is *any* operator
who can decode *any* of the digital modes "by ear" sufficiently to
conduct a complete QSO without any software assistance.  However, that
applies to a large percentage of the "no code Extras" on CW these days.
Ever stop to count the number asking for help to make the CW decoder
in WriteLog work, or to interface CWget/MRP40/fldigi, etc. to N1MM?
I'd bet the number of "machine CW" entries in most CW contests is now
in the double digit percentage range - what's the difference between
that and modern digital modes?


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2021-03-09 3:30 PM, Wes wrote:
He said, "or machine."

On 3/9/2021 12:49 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On 3/9/2021 10:56 AM, Preston Smith wrote:
Pactor, Amtor etc) the operator or machine must actually copy
the call sign of the station being worked.

Are you telling us that you can copy RTTY, Pactor, Amtor with your own ear/brain? WOW! I do a lot of RTTY in contests and I've never developed that skill.

73, Jim K9YC

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