Conditions were terrible here on the weekend. Storm static on Saturday night 
and poor propagation, and continuing poor propagation on Sunday night but with 
less storm static. I heard a few NA stations, but none responded to my calls.
I worked one JA station in the Contest.
73, Luke VK3HJ

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Roger Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, 16 March 2021 4:07 AM
Subject: Topband: Stew Perry Contest

Well I came on for a couple of hours during the contest . . .

Conditions seemed OK, not particularly good, but not bad either.

Managed to work everyone I heard, which was a total of 37 NA stations, so
was pretty happy with that. Worked down to Florida and the Caribbean, but
nothing further west than Nebraska.

I meant to pop on again around our Sunrise, but I overslept !

Roger G3YRO

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