For the second night in a week we had conditions that allowed propagation to and from EU. In my case only the best signals made it. Out west we have a little thing called the Auroral Ring that dips down into the northern latitudes with the earths rotation during prime late morning time in EU.

It just so happens in the evening it coincides with the western US path to EU. East coast stations have this problem also but due to operator time shifts they have many more hours of propagation without punching holes in the aurora. Unfortunately it is a one or two hops into the Auroral Ring  and signals disappear or are greatly attenuated. If the solar HPI is below 11-12 GW propagation is possible. Last evening the HPI dipped to about 11 GW and a dozen or so EU stations popped on band.

Of those I worked two and heard several more but they had to be strong to defeat heavy thunderstorm activity directly on path at 300-500km..

Conditions are looking up!

73 W7RH


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