I have toroids on all the cables….and even started pulling cables out of the 
shack to see if it made a difference….im beginning to wonder if the amp has a 

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> On Oct 29, 2021, at 10:57 AM, FZ Bruce <k...@twc.com> wrote:
> It is likely RF traveling into the amp via multiple wires, cables. Recommend 
> you put RFI cores on the coax between the radio and amp, and on the antenna 
> coax near the amp. 
> ( also possible getting on power supply connections)
> 73
> Bruce-K1FZ
> -----------------------------------------
> From: "WW3S" 
> To: "topband@contesting.com"
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday October 29 2021 10:44:39AM
> Subject: Topband: amp tripping on 160
> After two great nights of being able to receive, I am beyond frustrated,
> as I cannot transmit....something happened recently, and I cannot figure
> it out... I suspect its RFI, but not sure why.....as soon as I transmit
> on my Inverted L, my SPE 1.3KFA amp trips, saying SWRT exceeds
> limits.....yet the SWR displayed is 1.46 to 1.....new to me, but not
> new to this season is my tower which holds my Inverted L.....it was 50'
> of Rohn 25, with a Hazer, its now a Alumnatower 48', with a
> wonderpole.......but.....that setup did work, as I worked S9OK and
> 3DA0RU with it....I added a second receiving loop in the front yard, so
> thought that was it, but I took those cables out from the shack and
> still have a problem....yesterday morning, I found the short piece of
> coax had a nick in it, from the mower I guess, so replaced it, and
> shortened my L a bit to bring the SWR a bit further up the band.....I
> tested yesterday morning and it was great, low , mid and high power,
> even 1300 watts of RTTY, no failure, I tried several times during the
> day and all was great until darkness, and as soon as I keyed the amp,
> failure.....I pulled out what little I have left of my hair trying to
> figure this out......the wonderpole is grounded and I "assume" the tower
> is grounded thru that......should I separately ground the tower? Doing
> so will complicate tilting it over, plus I only have copper grounding
> attachments, I thought I read where I shouldn't use dissimilar
> metals.....but willing to try anything to get my 160 TX ability
> back...thoughts?
> _________________
> Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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