From another peanut whistle from the east coast:
Fri night most EU stns were weak and marginal for me even to try...but did any 
way. Sat night
abt the same altho a few had a fair sig...a good bit of QSB both nights. Only 
worked 4 EU stns,
total, and they were stronger than most of the rest heard. No problem working 
Carib stns (15).
The highlight for me was working WH7T & KH7M with ease (1011 & 1041Z 
11/28)...both a real 579.
And my hats off to the op. at ZM4T (1124Z 11/28) that spent several minutes 
getting me into the
log. Boy, what a patient, first class op...tnx OM. 
 And the setup here was a TS-440S...100W and a inverted L (with a four wire 
CP), which is covered 
over with tall pines. Even peanut whistles can have some fun....which I did.
73 de Bill K4JYS
Smithfield, NC 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wes" <>
To: "topband" <>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 7:02:18 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: How were CQWWDX-CW Test cndx on TB at YOUR QTH?

From the peanut whistle on the west side of the country just three of the usual 
suspects, JA3YBK, RM0F and HL5IVL on Saturday, somewhat after local sunrise.  I 
totally slept in on Sunday.  Nighttime toward EU, nada.

Wes  N7WS
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