I am with Pete on you "no quoted context" guys . I have given up and simply delete those messages without reading as well ( your loss not mine)

Ahhh and then are the "well meaning thread hijackers" . In my vision of the "next life"  both groups will be doomed to trying to work Bouvet and P5 on 160M with  1W QRP on an indoor loop



On 2/1/2022 4:52 PM, William Cromwell wrote:

On 2/1/22 3:10 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
Amen, Mel.  My favorites (ha) are the people who don't include *any* context in their replies.

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network
web server at<http://beta.reversebeacon.net>.
For spots, please use your favorite
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On 2/1/2022 2:05 PM, Mike Waters wrote:
Thank you, Mel. This needed to be said. :-)

On Tue, Feb 1, 2022, 1:00 PM MEL CRICHTON<k...@arrl.net> wrote:

Folks... when you reply to a post PLEASE do not include the entire
digest in your reply.... just the message, or even better just the line or paragraph, that you are responding to. I could not find the new stuff
inside all the old attachments in the last digest.

Sorry to be a griper.... Not my usual cheery self today

Mel KJ9C

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