moved to little town of Rail road Flat...95248...actually it was Moms place for 30 yrs and I was able to operate up here a lot...nice and quiet S1 noise...I still have the place in the BayArea...way too noisy as you know and it keeps getting worse....couple of years ago place here 95248 smelled like skunk heaven that appearse been corrected ( oh I am allergic to the stuff too)..I have neighbors that are growing indoors during the winter...outdoors in summer and more than just a few plants.....just cannot get rid of the RFI, seems to follow me like a bad penny....
sorry all, off topic...I will say no more
Renée, K6FSB

On 3/1/22 12:27 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On 3/1/2022 10:39 AM, Renee K6FSB wrote:
just as I was starting to get it together, I had my 160 antennas come down a few years ago due to trees dying, then after beginning to put things back then snow takes things down...(ok falling branches brought things down, did not even get a chance to use them)

Yes, that is an ongoing problem with receive antennas and elevated radials. I moved here from Chicago when I was a year or two younger than you.

...now this pot grow
light stuff is wreaking havoc here in rural CA.

Something here does not compute. qrz.com shows your QTH next to a freeway in the SF Bay Area.

I live in the mountains about 80 miles south of you, where the overwhelming RFI sources are switch-mode power supplies that come with everything that plugs into the wall, variable-speed motor controllers, and solar systems. And, of course, arcing from defective components on power lines.

..I almost ready to go to
war....i know I will loose....so you are not the only one having ( in my opinion- illicit) drug growing RFI related issues .

Pot is legal in California, and is mostly grown outdoors.

73, Jim K9YC

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