On 11/12/2022 10:02 AM, CUTTER DAVID via Topband wrote:
I'd be interested to know how you make the joints, then add joints to joints, 
then...doesn't it get a bit lumpy?  Do you solder or crimp or nuts and bolts, 
joints in three at a time...?

I've done it two ways. There's a DX Eng radial plate at the base of my Tee vertical connecting a very large number of on-ground radials. For a couple of verticals sloping off my 120 ft tower, fed at their base and using the tower as a passive reflector, I use copper split-bolt connectors to connect four elevated radials for each sloper. I also use split-bolts to connect on-ground radials for the tower (it needs a good radial system because it's a passive reflector).

73, Jim K9YC
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