Hi guys,
I believe y´all know my 27m top loaded vertical fell down the last april. Aging 
and strong winds made it fell so now I don´t have any antena for 160m.I would 
like to have something to put a signal on topband and I am considering options. 
Since I would like not to use many radials (I know ground plane is essential) I 
have seen a Half Delta, and maybe with that antenna I can do some QSOs around. 
Don´t really know if for DX but will have to give it a try.. Any ideas are 
welcome.I wanted to have it ready soon so at the moment the Half Delta looks 
first in the list, what do you think.?
Thanks for reading,

JosepEA6BFMyWebsiteBUG #256  -  CWOps #3072  -  FOC #2182 (ex 1724)
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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