On 11/17/2022 7:22 PM, j...@kk9a.com wrote:
You can significantly widen the SWR bandwidth that your radio sees on 80m by
using a coax match. Connect your dipole to a 1/2 WL multiple of 50 ohm coax
and then add a 1/4 WL section of 75 ohm coax. Of course this does not change
the actual antenna's SWR but neither would a remote tuner.

Yes. There's a development of this concept on my website, where the matching method is used as an example in a tutorial on using SimSmith to design antenna matching networks.


When I was introduced to the concept by local contesters, they credited it to Dave Leeson, W6NL. When asked about it, he said the idea was much older than he was.

73, Jim K9YC

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