Well given that several people have posted that conditions were poor, I
guess I should be happy that I managed to work 26 NA stations in the hour I
spent on the band - even more so as I have this horrendous wideband noise on
160 at the moment!

Regarding Duplicate Calls, I also never have a computer on doing Contests,
so don't "cheat" by using DX Clusters or RBN. I DID call one station I had
worked earlier . . . but that's because I hadn't noticed his call in my
paper log as already worked!

To update on my Noise problem . . . I have had OFCOM engineers here this
week trying to track it down. We came to the conclusion that I have TWO
separate noise sources, that are both about the same strength. They have
found ONE (and confiscated the offending equipment) . . . and although the
Noise on my main Antenna (Dipole) is just the same (S9), it has dropped to
S6 on my Receiving Loop. (it was previously as strong). So the remaining
noise source must be somewhere at right-angles to the loop. They are coming
back next week to try and track down the other noise source.

But at least I should be able to hear DX a little better, using my Rx Loop!
(and in time for the Stew Perry contest)

73 Roger G3YRO

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