Noticed what sounded like a below average number of stations on the
air last night. BUT heard a couple dozen Euros on from 2200z-0000z
which was a pleasant surprise. However, it was very tough to make it
through the European QRM they were hearing. Things got a bit better
later in the evening, but by 0400z most of the Euros were gone even
though SR had not yet passed across Western Europe. But I did manage
20 Euro entities and some Carribs. but no S.A.

KH6AQ came in well around 0400z and again around 1100z. Saw a KL7 spot
around 0400z but not enough to copy. Good numbers of CA stations from
0300z on, but the band had a lot of wide open spaces, unlike a couple
years ago. Still, the QRN was low, and power line noise non-existant.

I was on looking for DX and not to run, so it was slow to moderate
going. Perhaps tonight will be better. I WAS surprised at the number
of Euros heard, considering the recent weeks of dead band

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